Indonesian Delegates for Nan Ying International Folklore Festival 2014
7:02 PM
Hi everyone! Now i'm gonna share my awesome experience lately, I was choosen as one of Indonesian delegation for Nan Ying International Folklore Festival 2014 *yaaaay* ✌ Never crossed in my mind before that i'll represent my country in something big like this. Yes it's true that i start dancing since i was a kid, from Ballet to Korean, and sometimes Traditional too. But going abroad for cultural mission? Wow, what a big responsibility!

It all started by hearing the news about the recruitment of Pasir Putih Unpad. For those whose wondering, it's an sub-organization under CIOFF® Indonesia, a group of national representative’s of non-profit local art festivals organizations. As a non-government organization, CIOFF® is the authorized consultative for UNESCO. All this time CIOFF® Indonesia has collaborated with many art clubs, schools (from elementary to universities), local art clubs and our nation’s art and culture lovers, especially people from the provinces they represent. And CIOFF® Indonesia has been cooperated with Padjadjaran University to sending Indonesia delegation into folklore festival around the world! Divided into 2 sub-organization : Pasir Putih Unpad for Jatinangor section and USACE for Bandung section. Pasir Putih Unpad itself means 'Padjadjaran Seni dan Tari' and already participated in several culural mission such as International Giresun Aksu Festival in Turkey (2012) and Zakopane Festival of Highland Folklore in Polandia (2013). For this 2014, we gonna participate in Nan Ying International Folklore Festival in Tainan City, Taiwan.
So, i attend their meeting to get more information about the organization and festival. Did some interview and finally received the announcement that now i'm officially one of the delegates! Together with another 21 students derived from various faculties, we meet with the President of CIOFF® Indonesia and made a commitee. Since we're officially a Dancer & a Musician now, we gonna have a dance & music practice for several months with a profesionnal trainers from CIOFF® Indonesia. We also gonna made a farewell show before the departure as a sign of our thanks to university, parents and relatives. I volunteered myself to handle the job of Public Relation, Media Relation, and Art and Design. Voila! After our hardwork for 5-6 months, “Farewell Show : Joy of Togetherness With Indonesia Culture Towards Taiwan" held on September 20th, 2014 at Gedung Teater Indoor Dago Tea House, Bandung. Enjoy the pics! ☺
Ka Said Rachmat as President of CIOFF® Indonesia open the event formally
Our musician do the contemporary music with traditional musical instruments
Nandak Ganjen dance from DKI Jakarta is illustrates a teenager that growing up, expressing feelings that cheerful, happy, and demanding of freedom
Greget Jawara Dance from DKI Jakarta is a harmonious fusion of dance movements with a strong martial arts. Illustrates the Betawi female figures whom beautiful but also strong
Enggang Dance from Borneo describes the life and softness of Enggang's bird which is glorified as a sign of grandeur and heroism
Mandau dance from Borneo demonstrates Dayak warriors' state of alertness in the event of war
Last but not least, Balian Bawo dance from Borneo that illustrates ceremonies that intended to summon the spirits for help. Dance danced by using 4 pieces of large bracelets, two each on the left and right.
This is the end of our farewell show. Few days later, we departed to Tainan City, Taiwan to participated the Nan Ying International Folklore Festival 2014. The festival held on Oktober 3-15 October, 2014 and we had a great time and memories in there! Get to know Taiwan's culture, represent my country, Indonesia, and meet a lot of new friend all around the world ♥♥♥ If i want to share the whole precious moment, i think it's gonna be a loooong long post. So it's better for you to watch the video! hehe. Personally, i'm so proud to have an opportunity to show the world how beauty Indonesian culture is. And if you're a Padjadjaran University student and want to have the same unforgetable moment like this, please kindly follow Pasir Putih Unpad on Twitter because we gonna join another amazing cultural mission next year! Make sure you don't miss it! :)
Watch Pasir Putih Unpad 2014's journey in NYIFF!